high energy, fast-paced contemporary theatre

COLD WAR | Review
Cold War is definitely the most unusual theatre performance I’ve seen in a long time, and I’m still not sure what to make of it. Over the course of an hour, Doppelgangster present to you their version of contemporary theatre, complete with live punk music interludes. It’s frenzied, chaotic and doesn’t make much sense — the two actors spend most of the time having intense conversations with each other that cross a broad spectrum of political and environmental themes, interspersed with conspiracy theories and strange personal reflections.
It’s hard to keep up at times, but there are moments of quick-witted humour and interesting observations about the world. And other members of the audience seemed to enjoy themselves more, perhaps picking-up on some of the niche cultural references that went over my head.
From the show description I was expecting more environmental and climate change-related content, and I struggled to find a consistent theme or message in the performance. But they did successfully create the kind of frenetic energy you would expect for a show exploring ideas about the end of the world.
Fringe is all about seeing strange shows that push boundaries, but this one just missed the mark for me. But if you’re in the mood for high energy, fast-paced contemporary theatre and can leave any expectations at the door, you might just enjoy yourself.