Two siblings, and an unrelated audience stand in a gallery. The Eternity… is a black mass, a misremembering, and a disappearance act. A ritual, a meditation, and a metaphysical operation.
MKA’s Tobias’ and Kerith Manderson-Galvin’s intentions are to contemplate the eternity of the world – the concept has been debated for over a millennia – by philosophers including Aristotle, Philo, Thomas Aquinas – and also reveal their own anecdotal evidence of misremembering, of black mass, and of mass disappearance.
Throughout the work, theories, and narratives – from the Lost City of Atlantis, to ‘the Cruise’ episode of Rockos Modern Life, to childhood stories of the pair – are explained chronologically and by significance, in a steady collection of actions that speculate beyond recognised thought.
Speeches are given, songs are sung, and people disappear.
The Eternity of the World (Parts Missing) is about the start of existence, the permanence of a moment, parallels and conclusions. It’s being held by the difference between what you know, and what is possible.
One Hour, give or take an eternity
Concept, Creation, & Performance:
Kerith Manderson-Galvin & Tobias Manderson-Galvin
Dr Tom Payne (UK)
Composition/Sound Design:
Maria Moles + Adam Halliwell
Wilson Liew
The Eternity of the World (Parts Missing)
is an original production by Theatre MK-Alpha
with Doppelgangster and Unofficial Kerith Fan Club
in association with Chapel Street Precinct’s
Provocare | Winter Arts Festival
Chapel Street Festival of the Arts 2017
Tickets Are FREE!
Sat 29 July 7pm
Sun 30 July 3pm + 7pm
Anna Pappas Gallery
Bondi Feast
Fri 21 July 8pm
Sat 22 July 8pm
Bondi Pavilion Gallery