Sometimes keenly observant, sometimes hilarious, sometimes bizarre, sometimes enigmatic, but certainly entertaining.

22 Short Plays | Review
Tony Busch | Adelaide Theatre Guide
16 Mar, 2013
Sometimes keenly observant, sometimes hilarious, sometimes bizarre, sometimes enigmatic, but certainly entertaining. This is comedy from the 3 second attention span generation and the sort of fare for which the Fringe is famous.
Three performers work devilishly hard (certainly admirable in the stifling heat of the beer garden at The Producers) to extract every ounce of whimsy from a series of disconnected scenarios.
Each of the three shines on more than one occasion to bring a range of characters to life. Favourites included subcontracting disease, footprints in the sand, the cocksmanship letter and a clever take on British boarding school education.
It restored my faith in young performers who write their own material, especially after having sat through the company’s first offering of the evening.
Rating: 3.5 stars (out of 5)