It made me prouder than I already am to be a part of this rich, beautiful vibrant LGBTQI community.

186,000 | Review
Dec, 2016
MKA’s 186,000 is easy to review. Kerith Manderson-Galvin just like MKA as a company have produced a progressive, relevant don’t-blink-or-you’ll-miss a bunch of shooting stars work. When witnessing this authentic piece of theatrical mastery you invest into the spirit of the piece which left me in a haze of euphoria I didn’t want to exit from. Strongly performance art by nature 186,000 has verbatim text delivered via performers, soundscape and Youtube which struck more than one personal chord, due to the honesty the verbatim text and imagery delivers. Tapping into the social relevance, climate and voice of the queer community this is theatre that will move mountains in you. It is impossible not to engage with the authentic spirit that floats on the ceiling as it oozes out of Kerith and her stunning ensemble. Normalisation of queer people and culture is quickly on the rise (not fast enough as far as I’m concerned) but watching this valuable production filled me with hope that the once voiceless many are making themselves heard. It made me prouder than I already am to be a part of this rich, beautiful vibrant LGBTQI community.
186,000 is a rich exploration that is dream like in style, production value and scenery. Filled with considered movement and choreography that holds the human condition with vulnerability, joy, and strength of expression that plays out truthfully and gloriously. It is such a personal message which made it feel mine too. This show is FRESH like a frozen box of tic-tacs.
Go, for god’s sake go.